Davet Yazısı
Katılımcı Anketi


ENVCRM Proje Sunumu (A. İŞLEYEN)

Mercury stability in natural waters – an obstacle in preparation of  CRM (M.HORVAT)

Characterisation of Candidate RMs (S.Z.CAN & A.JOTANOVIC)

RM Dogru Secimi ve Kullanımı (A.İŞLEYEN)

COMAR Database for CRM Search (J.VOGL)

MUkit A Practical Software for Uncertainty Calculations (N.PERKOLA)

MUkit Animation Movie How to Use (N.PERKOLA)

IDMS applied as primary method of measurement with examples from the ENVCRM project (J.VOGL)

Use of k0-INAA at the IJS in CRM production (R.JACIMOVIC)

Evaluation of methods for the determination of aqua regia extractable trace elements in soils (M.O.PETROPOLOU)


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